- Cell Phones and Mobile Plans
ENACOM is a cell phone company in Argentina with mobile services and internet plans for people and business.
ENACOM is a cell phone company in Argentina.


Company : ENACOM
Website :  ENACOM

Phone : 0-800-333-3344
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

ENACOM Argentina - Regulations and Standards for Communications

ENACOM Overview:

ENACOM is the national regulatory authority for telecommunications in Argentina, responsible for promoting and regulating the industry to benefit both consumers and service providers.

Regulation of Telecommunications:

ENACOM is tasked with regulating and supervising telecommunications services, including telephony, broadcasting, and internet, to ensure fair competition, quality services, and affordable rates.

Spectrum Management:

ENACOM efficiently manages the radio spectrum, allocating frequencies for various services, including mobile and broadcasting, while preventing interference.

License Allocation:

The agency grants licenses to telecommunications service providers, ensuring they adhere to quality and technical standards while promoting healthy competition.

Consumer Protection:

ENACOM safeguards consumer rights by establishing rules and quality standards, fostering fair competition, and addressing grievances through established channels.

Encouraging Innovation:

ENACOM supports innovation in telecommunications by providing a conducive regulatory environment, allowing the introduction of new technologies and services.

Broadband Expansion:

ENACOM has been actively working to extend broadband access to underserved areas, improving digital inclusion and economic development.

International Coordination:

ENACOM cooperates with international entities and regulatory authorities to ensure harmonious telecommunications standards and practices.

ENACOM plays a pivotal role in Argentina's telecommunications sector. Through effective regulation, spectrum management, and consumer protection, the agency fosters a competitive and innovative environment for telecommunications services. As Argentina continues to adapt to evolving communication technologies, ENACOM remains dedicated to ensuring that the nation remains at the forefront of the telecommunications industry.

Phone in Argentina: Claro, Movistar, Personal, Tuenti, Nextel, Telecom Argentina, ENACOM
The customer can compare cell phone companies and the different options of plans and packages. List of the best mobile phone companies and smartphones in Argentina. Analysis of the market of mobile carriers, telecommunications and the use of technology in the future of the country.
Argentina ENACOM 2024
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